Register your interest for the Japan Industry Tour May 2024


Thank you for visiting our website and the Japan Industry Tour page. If you are interested in more information about the tour, please complete the following form and our team at DHI will register your name.

Thank you for completing the form, we will be in contact with further details.


Please read the following:

Caveat Emptor: David Hutchins Innovation Limited is not a travel company. Whilst we take it upon ourselves to organise the trip, to accompany those who register with us, to participate fully in all discussions during the travel and during the social times when the group is together, we accept no responsibility for any incidents that might arise of any sort whatsoever other than to receive monies for the overall experience, our fees for assistance and to pass relevant fees to JUSE.

The journey from London to Tokyo return is a contract between participants and the airline. Responsibility for matters arising from any possible incidents from arrival in Tokyo until departure for the UK will be with JUSE or its subcontractors. Our contribution will be David Hutchins experience of many previous visits and his accumulated knowledge of the subject matter, a general understanding of local culture, familiarity with many optional choices of social arrangements and to be a link between our group and the organisers at JUSE.