DIP 007 Supply Chain Management

A Total Quality Organisation will see its suppliers as being extensions of their own processes. It is for this reason we have included this unit near to the end of the Diploma series. At this point the student will have completed most units and  will therefore be in a position to share the advantages they have discovered by being able to assist their suppliers to achieve the same.  

Supply Chain Management

DIP 007 Section 1 - Introduction to Supply Chain Management

DIP 007 Section 2 - Why Supply Chain Management is changing ?

DIP 007 Section 3 - Supplier Management Systems Model

DIP 007 Section 4 - Supplier Management styles

DIP 007 Section 5 - Supplier People Policies

DIP 007 Section 6 - Supplier Audit Case Study

DIP 007 Section 7 - The legal aspects of Supply Chain Management

DIP 007 Section 8 - Summary of the key aspects of this unit

DIP 007 Section 9 - What you will have learned from this unit.

If you would like more information about the Diploma or Quality Fundamentals please contact us today on 01458 224040 or complete the online form and start your DHI journey!